Atlanta Teens: Submit Your Work Here!


VOX is where teens speak and Atlanta listens.

You can share your own (nonfiction) story, letter, or poem here — and get published!

To be considered for publication:
You must be a teenager (ages 13 through 19) living in the metro-Atlanta area, and all work must be original content created by you.

We hope you’ll submit a photo of yourself to go with your piece, too, but it’s not required.

Content will be reviewed by VOX’s Atlanta Teen Voices peer editor and our adult editorial staff, and may be edited for grammar, spelling, clarity or length. Potentially libelous content or content that violates the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics will not be published.

To submit original artwork (photography, illustration, photos of 3D work, please email a high-resolution JPG to

To share your audio or video files, send them via Google Drive to big of a file, contact us at that email and we’ll share another option.)

To submit your original writing, just click here.